I found this interesting page to check your personality while browsing people's blogs. My result is.....
Silver Lion

You are Silver Lion, who tend to be proud and dignified, and have an atmosphere of sweet woman.
But you also have a nervous and sensitive personality, and will not get too involved in things.
You are extremely proud, and lead life in extreme hurry without stopping.
Your sphere of activity covers great area, and because of your smart activity, people around you will respect you.
You value reality, and will not get in a danger of following unfinished dreams.
You can work effortlessly, and possess strength to endure loneliness.
You lack natural instinct to see through peoples feelings, and therefore are consciously and deliberately acting to be good hearted.
You may become little nagging at times, and when your favor is turned down, you get hurt.
You don't possess great ambition that you feel need to achieve even by sacrificing something.
Therefore, you don't go into adventure, and will lead steady and sound life.
You are smart and can make good decisions, but unfortunately, you lack feminine sweetness and soft atmosphere of a woman.
After marriage you try to lead steady and economic way of life, and will be a good wife.
But you will be dominant over your husband, and therefore may be a good idea to have a career.
euhh. I dont really agree with that. click here to get your own, fellas.
anyway, I have a really great Sunday, how's yours?
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