Another finally, after a long and seemed-forever 10 days, I met my boyfriend at the eleventh day from out last meeting, that was yesterday. I'd been missing him sooooo much I felt like pinching his cheek til it goes red hahaha. And so, we--or me myself, actually-- decided to watch movies in a day. Well all we watched were just Inkheart and Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
Firstly, Inkheart.

The string that pulls me into this film is that I've read the novel, I'd mentioned it in my previous post. Unluckily, I lost my interest to this film since it was well, boring. Maybe it's because I'd read the novel before so I knew the exact story which was shortened and manipulated there, from hundreds of pages into a series of moving pictures that lasted for about 1 hour and 50 minutes. And the sound effect isn't good. It's bad, honestly.
Overall, this movie scores 3 out of 10.
Next, Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

Just like all sequel of Ice Age, this one is hilarious, and ridiculous, I should say. While Manny and Elly are going to have their baby--Manny became a freak father-going-to-be who ran through hills and valley everytime Elly said the baby's moving, Diego keeps thinking that he doesn't fit anymore in that friendly environment, thinking that it kills his natural instinct of hunting preys and sort of. He decided to leave. On the other hand, Sid the Sloth accidentally fell into a hole in the ice and found three eggs, which were, obviously, Dinosaur's eggs. He kept them instead of leave them there, disobeying Manny's advice. Things turned out upside down there, an angry Dinosaur raged out of the hole searching for her eggs which had turned into three baby dinosaurs. The three babies had believed that Sid was their Mom, and so the Momma Dinosaur bring all the four back into her nest under the ice, in the area where dinosaurs still exist. From here on, Diego (joined the team back from seeing Sid helpless), Manny, the pregnant Elly, the possum twins went under the ice, searching for Sid. New characters here were Buck, a weasel which acted as the rescue team's guide, and Rudy, the evil dino, which was their most dangerous enemy.
This film ranks 9 of 10. Go watch this film folks!
And I'm going to tell one stupid thing I did experience yesterday. I fell asleep while my boyfriend was riding me home on his motorcycle. Am I not stupid? I might fall off or something! Thank God I stayed alive and still.
Oh quick update, I changed a bit of my blog template. I didn't say I like it, I just chose colors randomly out of boredom that I barely notice.
okay, that's all for now. See ya!
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