I’m not gonna say “sorry for the lack updates” again, since that phrase seem had become quite famous in many posts of mine and in other blogs of others too. I opened this blog, now and then, but just stuck in the middle not knowing what to write. But now I have something I'd regret if I don't tell. Here I welcome you to the hundredth post of my blog!
Well, there are reasons why I keep postponing typing the words here. First of all, being a 12th grader is not an easy task, it keeps me from doing my routines which I love most like posting something to this blog, or even go surfing. Surfing the cyber world, I mean. The whole homeworks, tasks, exams, and also try outs are giving me a very severe and torturing pain in the ass, to the point where I originally think that I can’t do these kinds of things anymore. I still managed to watch some movies and DVDs though, thank God those watchings are able to keep me sane.
And my family and I moved into a new house. This moving doesn’t make a huge impact though, you need less than 5 minutes to reach my new house from the old one. Actually I hate moving. It’s silly how you need to unload your stuffs from your cupboard, your table, your bookshelves and other places, then you pack them into boxes, and you carry the boxes all the way to your new house, then after you arrive you need to get your things out of the boxes again, and lastly, you need to reload your shelves and cupboards and table with the appropriate things again. Isn’t that a hell lot tasks to do? Not to mention moving the furniture. So that is also my reason of not posting, I’m really, really exhausted. I even caught flu from the number of dusts I inhale. The only thing I love from moving to this house is that my room is pretty. And I love it so much. I’ll describe it later, cause I’ve got a bigger things, more important issue –at least for me- that I’d like to say.
I’m 17 years old now, yeaaay! ;p
I know I’m getting older and my lifespan is getting shorter but 17 is still 17. Like a birthday will always be a birthday. Someone doesn’t turn into 17 everyday, right? So based on that logic, I’d like to reserve my right to enjoy this day. The turning-seventeen thing actually doesn’t make any big impact on me. I’m not different than the person I was yesterday, though in some points, I’m improving. But this improval doesn’t really happen the second I’m a year older, it took place somewhere in the year I’m passing. It’s not like the things in games like Pokemon or whatelse in which when you reach a level, you’ll evolve. Our life is much more greater than games, put in account that every single thing we do evolves us in ways we might never noticed.
Sharing about the birthday event, God grants my wish to enjoy the day with every fraction of the second in it. To be honest, I knew that there'll be something someone gonna give to me. To be more exact, I was expecting a surprise. I know that's sad and many of you would think things like, "Oh you expecting a gift, or whatever? Poor you." But let me say that this is just normal. Why couldn't you expect something special on your special day?
Okay, let's continue. Judging the clues that have been given here and there, I know that my expectancy was not wrong. You know, the surprise thing and sort of. But I really don’t expect seven friends and a boyfriend of mine would show up in my room in the middle of the night while I was fast asleep. They are Edwin, Fandy, Astra, Pretet, Nindya, Syiki, Santi and Niken. They barged in to my room and woke me up by singing Happy Birthday. This was the thing I didn’t grasp a foresight. There are this huge board showing photos of my friends greeting happy birthday, and they were scrapped in a book too, not to mention the musical box and blueberry cheesecake. To sum it up, if you ask me a question goes like, “what do you think about today?” then I’ll answer, “Today is my day. It is totally sweet.”
Here are the evidences of the midnight surprise:

We’ve been passed through all the rough times, so let’s just forget them and continue on, shall we? You’re so great that I’m so grateful to have you. Happy 1st anniversary boy, te amo!
Here are the evidences of the midnight surprise:

The best cake brought by the best man

Me opening the gift. It is a musical box with the tiny bear inside spinning when you open it. Oh I know my hair looked weird.

the board with the photos. Thanks for the greetings, all! :)))

the surpriser and the surprisee ;p
More words for December 11th 2009, it is me and my boyfriend first anniversary :---)))
2 chatters:
ouch so sweet nih bang edu !!! hehehe
wikiki iya terima kasih donkii
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