
February 28, 2010

For The Day To Come

source: here

It's for having a person who is willing to accept everything in you and wait patiently to hear you say, "I'm home."

February 22, 2010

What I Did During Indonesian Test

The things I like about this world
are how there exist a huge number of words
waiting to be spoken
or to be written

and how there are billion ways
to extend and deviate the meaning that each word bears

and how there are different ways to hear
a same word here just by judging the way they appear

and the fact that I do stop myself from any other thing sometimes
just to think how to make this rhymes


February 07, 2010

This is a hard time. The time when the rest of the future rely on. The time when a hell lots of effort have to be given. When sacrificing some fun is necessarry. When killing other unimportant desires to pursue one so-called dream is the only thing you think you should do.

Do you really think that this hard time will be over soon? Do you really think you will acquire a lifetime goal by throwing your true self away? Do you really think it is fair to you, or even to other people around you? Do you think you can reach that enormous achievement of yours while forgetting your already-in-hand treasure? Or do you, actually, think that what you already have right now is not that valuable compared to what you're going to get? Do you really think it is just one of the sacrifices that you should give away?

Do not think that I'm against all the fighting. I'm with you. But, open your eyes. Have fun.

February 05, 2010

Seventeen Pieces of Crappy Things

I make excuses.
I tell lies.
I procrastinate.
I hate organized things.
But when I have them organized, I hate it when they fell apart.
I don't know what I wish to be.
I am green with envy.
I get annoyed easily.
I hate waiting.
I ever really wish to be sick.
I used to be just fine with myself, but I'm not anymore.
I hate having to depend on others and the fact I still do.
I can't tell what I want to say.
I'm living in a wake-eat-bath-study-eat-study-eat-bath-study-sleep cycle that never ends.
I wish to be able to stop studying without any guilty feelings haunting me after.
I hate school.
I do want to be sick right now.