
March 29, 2009


Love is like your shoelaces.
It could be tied and make it easy for you to move on.
But it may go untied, create distance between each other
and sometimes makes you fall over and over.
But you can always tie it again,
if you care enough to look down, and bent your knee.

Rifda L.A
March 29th 2009

Dear Father and Mother

Dear Father, this post actually should have been posted 6 days ago.
Dear Mother, this post is also for you.

March 28, 2009

Angel's Wings

Angel's Wings

I would die for you
Lay down my life for you
The only thing that means everything to me
'Cause when you're in my arms
You make me prouder than

Than anything I ever could achieve

And you make everything that used to seem so big
Seem to be so small since you arrived

On angel's wings, an angelical formation
Angel's wings, like letters in the sky
Now I know no matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

And I often wonder why,
Someone as flawed as I

Deserves to be as happy as you make me

So as the years roll by I'll be there by your side
I'll follow you wherever your heart takes me

Cause you make everything that used to be so big

Seem to be so small since you arrived

On angel's wings, an angelical formation
Angel's wings, like letters in the sky
Now I know no matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

Now anyone who's felt the touch of heaven in their lives
Will know the way I'm feeling, looking
In my baby's eyes
That's why I can't bear to be too far away
I know that God must love me cause
He sent you to me

On angel's wings, an angelical formation
Angel's wings, like letters in the sky
Now I know no matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings

March 27, 2009

Fair Bad Worse MuchBetter Worst

What's on your mind is something I truly can't grasp. I know that I took it wrong, but you didn't get it right either. I kept thinking, and I decided that I have no right to still mad at you. I've never been able to ignore you completely. I can't have you away. I sent you message(s) and I paid you my attention, so I completely don't know what or why you act that way.

...I can't understand you.

March 22, 2009

Ramai ke Sepi

Sabtu 21 Maret kemarin ada 4 orang yg gue kenal yg ulang tahun. Dua diantaranya temen sekelas gue, Tara sama Icha. Atas permintaan manusia-manusia tertentu akan sebuah traktiran, akhirnya hari itu dijadikan hari pelampiasan setelah delapan hari menjalani midtes yang dilalui dengan susah payah tetapi tidak menimbulkan hasil yang memuaskan. Karaoke dan makan-makan menjadi pilihan media penyalur kegilaan.

Sebelum ke acara traktiran tersebut, gue, Nasya, Nunu dan Odonk sudah mempersiapkan surprise buat Tara, temen sekelas waktu kelas XE yg cacat itu deh. Dengan kecanggihannya, Nunu dan Odonk membuatkan poster buat Tara yg dengan sangat maksimal membuat Tara tertawa terbahak-bahak. Gue dan temen2 gue tersebut juga membelikan kue buat Tara. Hal ini didukung oleh oknum E yg memberikan sponsor setengah dari harga kue tersebut sehingga jumlah uang yang kami keluarkan ga banyak-banyak amat hahaha. Acara ini dilaksanakan di sekolah, tepatnya di XI IPA A, dihebohkan oleh Prathito yang muncul entah dari mana secara tiba-tiba. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA TARAAAA

Setelah sukses memberikan surprise buat Tara, gue dan Tara menanti kedatangan Icha ke sekolah, yang akan mengajak kami berkendara ke tempat traktiran wkwkwkwk
Singkat cerita, karaokean sampai suara serak dan makan sampai kekenyangan. Foto-foto menyusul. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA ICHAAAAA

The day's almost perfect, well I hope it's perfect for the birthday girls. Cuma gue lagi sendirian di rumah, totally alone, even without the house keepers. Dengan bodohnya saat gue berangkat pagi itu gue mematikan semua lampu rumah jadi ketika gue sampai malam2 the house looked so spooky and creepy, as the darkness engulfed me as soon as I put a step inside. hoaaaaaaaaaa gelap bener dalemnyaaaaaa
Dan gue juga agak syok karena menemukan pagar rumah gue dalam keadaan digembok, padahal gue ga inget menggembok(sumpah kata ini aneh banget kedengerannya) pagar rumah gue tersebut. tambah hoa hoa deh gue. untung gue bawa satu set kunci. jadi bisa masuk deh hahaha.
Nyampe dirumah, semua lampu langsung gue nyalain dan gue akhirnya tidur dalam keadaan lampu menyala, diiringi suara penyanyi-penyanyi yang berdendang dari pc.

I am still alone at home until right now, and don't know when will the other family members went back.

March 19, 2009

Kebodohan #2

Suatu siang yang terik, Upi(di post sebelumnya diperankan oleh R) bermain di kamar Adi(di post sebelumnya diperankan oleh Z) karena kamarnya yang berantakan tidak menimbulkan hasrat untuk ditempati. Saat itu, Adi sedang berada di lokasi lain di rumah.

Upi pun menyalakan televisi di kamar Adi yang kerap digunakan untuk memainkan Stasiun Bermain. Upi merasa bahwa suara yang keluar dari televisi itu terlalu kecil. Karena tidak berhasil menemukan remote, Upi pun menekan tombol penambah suara di bawah layar televisi supaya suara dapat lebih jelas didengar. Volume suara pun bertambah. Tak lama kemudian, karena pikiran anak kecil yang tidak mudah puas, Upi menekan tombol tersebut lagi, sehingga suara yang keluar menjadi lebih kencang. Namun karena terlalu bernafsu menekan tombol, suaranya menjadi terlalu kencang.

Adi: Dek ngapain sih nyetel keras2? (berteriak dari ruang di bawah)
Upi: Iya ini juga mau dikecilin
Adi: Bisa nggak?
Upi: Bisa lah

Upi menekan tombol pengurang volume suara. Ternyata volumenya malah bertambah. Upi tekan lagi. Suara bertambah kencang.

Adi: Dek kecilin suaranyaaaaa
Upi: Ini gimana nggak bisa kecil
Adi: Ah kamu bego nih dek (menaiki tangga menuju kamarnya)
Upi: Yah sekarang gimana dong?
Adi: Pegangin
Upi: Pegangin apaan?
Adi: Pegangin tv nya
Upi: Lah? terus gimana ngecilin suaranya?
Adi: Tutupin lubang speakernya

.....cara baru mengecilkan suara TV rusak

Kebodohan #1

Sepasang anak manusia sebut saja R dan Z terlahir dengan bakat pintar yang berlebihan. Mungkin bakat normal mereka masih tertinggal di rahim sang ibu atau bagaimana lah, yang jelas mereka sering bersatu padu menimbulkan kericuhan yang sarat unsur kebodohan.
Z yang lebih tua sekitar 2 tahun dari R selalu memiliki gagasan-gagasan yang bagi R tampak menarik.

Suatu ketika, R sedang bermain-main ketika Z memanggil.
(TKP: Kamar Bermain)

Z: dek, liat deh
R: apaan?
Z: ini (mengangkat sebuah benda)
R: ih apaan itu
Z: Bedah Yuk! (dengan muka berbinar dan mata bersinar menyilaukan)
R: (terhipnotis sepertinya) Gimana caranya?
Z: Cari sapu lidi gih dek. Aku bawa ke halaman ya dek

R pun membawakan sapu lidi dan mengikuti kakaknya ke luar rumah.
(TKP: Halaman Rumah)

Z: Mana sapu lidinya?
R: Nih (menyodorkan sapu lidi)
Z: Ambil satu lidinya
R: Nih (menyodorkan satu batang lidi)
Z: Tusuk!

... dan R pun melakukan percobaan pertamanya membedah makhluk hidup.

March 18, 2009


Something is missing, or slipping away?

March 15, 2009

A girl

When a girl was created,
she didn't know with who she will be lifted
When a girl was born,
she couldn't think about even one reason
When a girl was growing up,
she was trying to figure things out
When a girl was smiling,
she was trying to hide everything
When a girl was laughing,
she was trying to escape from something
When a girl was keeping her mouth shut,
she was afraid of something she really doubt
When a girl was walking away,
she was hoping for someone to lead the way
When a girl closed her eyes,
she was wishing to have the ability of forgetting minds
When the day turns to night,
there was she sleeping tight

Rifda L. Afina
February 15th 2008

Princess and The Pauper

Times ago, my little sister watched her barbie DVD collections and when I happened to play with her I ended up watching the movie with her. The movie was...... childish, and quite full of songs, but I was attracted to a very catchy verse in one of the songs.

Once a lass met a lad.
"You're a gentle one," said she.
"In my heart, I'd be glad if you love me for me."
"You said your love is true, and I hope that it will be."
"I'd be sure if I knew that you love me for me."
"Could I be the one you're seeking? Will I be the one you choose?"
"Could you tell my heart is speaking? My heart will give you clues."
"What you see might be deceiving, truth lies underneath the skin."
"Hope will blossom my believing, the heart that lies withing."
"I'll be yours, together we shall always be as one, if you love me for me."
"Who can say where will go? Who can promise what will be? But I'll stay by your side if you love me for me."
If you love me for me..........

The red one is the verse sang by the barbie and the blue one sang by the guy.

March 14, 2009

Weird Dream

Post kali ini cukup dengan bahasa sehari-hari saja karena gue bingung mengungkapkan beberapa kata haha miskin vocab.

Gue mengalami mimpi yang sangat aneh, membuat gue terbangun dengan bingung, mau ketawa apa ketakutan haha. Jadi, karena hari jumat gue bangun pagi banget untuk belajar kimia (yang belakangan gue sesali karena ga guna), sekitar jam 9-10 malam gue sudah terlelap. tidur ga nyenyak karena gue bermimpi bahwa gue memiliki kemampuan membangunkan mayat dan membuat mayat itu berlaku aneh.

Adegan terakhir yang gue saksikan adalah gue entah berada di kuburan atau dimana tapi yang jelas gue duduk di bangku kelas. Lalu ada seseorang yang meminta gue membuktikan kemampuan gue tersebut. Akhirnya gue mengangkat tangan dan seorang (bener ga sih seorang?) mayat melayang dari kuburnya. Untuk membuktikan bahwa gue sanggup membuat mayat itu berlaku sesuai kemauan gue, gue bilang ke sesorang itu, "nanti gue buat dia ngomong." Terus ceritanya gue berkonsentrasi atau apalah gitu dan membuat mayat yang tadi melayang itu berteriak, "COLDPLAY!"

....(terbangun pada pukul 4 pagi dan tidak sanggup berkata-kata)

March 11, 2009

The Third Eleven


Three is a number, a natural number following 2 and preceding 4.
In China, three is considered the good number.
Some people say, "Third time charms."
The sentence "I love you" consists of three words.

today, three is everywhere.
today is Wednesday, the third day of the week.
this month is March, the third month of the year.
today is the third eleven of the year.

Dedicated to my very best man, whose name consists of three words. Three words for you, happy three months :-D

March 10, 2009

another personality test

blogwalking this very morning and found this interesting personality test from Paper Dreams.

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

it's awesomely right. give it a try here, people.

March 09, 2009


Sneezing. This is what I've been doing for days, from last Tuesday. And I just can't stop. The midterm test is right away in front of my nose but I don't feel too well to even study. AAAA why should I be sick at this kind of time? I prefer being sick in school days, you know. Not in a long weekend nor in the time I should have been studying -______-

maybe I suffer this influenza thing because I got rained quite a few times several days ago. I expect getting sick several days ago, why do I have to be sick now? -_____-

March 07, 2009


I bought two novels quite recently, the first one titled Tintenherz and the other one is The 5 People You Meet In Heaven.

First, Tintenherz.

It's a fantasy novel, and, as you can see from the language used in the title, it's written by a Germany, Cornelia Funke. The story is about a man nicknamed Mo who can pull out fictional characters from a book by simply reading it out loud. Things become complicated when he pulled out two antagonist character from a book called Tintenherz. Those two antagonist characters, Capricorn and Basta, asked Mo to pull out other characters or beneficial things like money out of the book, to help them take control of the world. But all actions make reactions. When fictional things are being pulled out of the book, real humans or creatures are like being sucked into the book. Things become even more complicated when his only daughter can also do that.
Tintenherz is the first book of the trilogy, so there are still other two books, Tintenblut and Tintentod, which I haven't read. Tintenherz had been filmed, starring Brendan Fraser.
You can see the trailer here.
This novel scores 9 out of 10, I guess.

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven.

This book is written by Mitch Albom. I can't find any other suitable words for this book. It's perfect. It's like teaching me some morals, but still interesting in many ways. Actually, my liking to this book grows even more bigger because the main character is dead. haha
Two thumbs up!


Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
- Carl Sandburg

That statement is..... right. Life is exactly like that. Every time I do any actions, I grasp other facts about this life, other truth, or maybe lies, anything. Sometimes things in life go wrong, and I feel like the more I know, the more I feel sad. Sometimes weeping can make it feel more at ease. If only I can weep when I want to.......

Weeping is the process of shedding tears. Many people weep when they feel sad. But then, it's not only sadness triggers the tears to fall down. Most likely, people weep when they need to find any way to stabilize their emotion. It doesn't mean that the emotion is not stable, but the emotion is pumping up, so they need any way to, mm maybe exhale it? Me myself, almost can't weep when I feel sad. Instead, I feel like weeping when I am so angry, or mad, or when I find, see or experience something touching.
Lately, I really want to weep. But I guess my ability of weeping is escaping me.

... may this Saturday be fine.

March 05, 2009

colongan nge post di komputer sekolah

I'm in a really really bad mood today, everything's not right just from the beginning.
today is my little sister's birthday but bad me, I haven't congratulate her for it, I even haven't see her this morning because of the very sucks new regulation of the school hour, which starts at 6.30. since there are no dispensation, I have to go to school earlier, my little sister hasn't woke up yet. I missed the cake and everything. suckssssss

the headmaster of the school is really sucks, doesn't know anything about the school and isn't really into the school but he acts like he controls everything. he might don't know who's the smartest student, I'm quite sure about that. if you don't know anything, why should you angry? a schoolmate records a video of him saying bad words, I really really want to see that video.

over all,
I'm so bad today. and maybe yesterday too.

March 01, 2009

Silver Lion and Shimmering Sunday

I found this interesting page to check your personality while browsing people's blogs. My result is.....Silver Lion
You are Silver Lion, who tend to be proud and dignified, and have an atmosphere of sweet woman.
But you also have a nervous and sensitive personality, and will not get too involved in things.
You are extremely proud, and lead life in extreme hurry without stopping.
Your sphere of activity covers great area, and because of your smart activity, people around you will respect you.
You value reality, and will not get in a danger of following unfinished dreams.
You can work effortlessly, and possess strength to endure loneliness.
You lack natural instinct to see through peoples feelings, and therefore are consciously and deliberately acting to be good hearted.
You may become little nagging at times, and when your favor is turned down, you get hurt.
You don't possess great ambition that you feel need to achieve even by sacrificing something.
Therefore, you don't go into adventure, and will lead steady and sound life.
You are smart and can make good decisions, but unfortunately, you lack feminine sweetness and soft atmosphere of a woman.
After marriage you try to lead steady and economic way of life, and will be a good wife.
But you will be dominant over your husband, and therefore may be a good idea to have a career.
euhh. I dont really agree with that. click here to get your own, fellas.
anyway, I have a really great Sunday, how's yours?