
April 30, 2009


Hari ini sangat bukan hari saya. Bisa dibilang sangat menyebalkan. Bagian terburuk dari hari ini adalah perjalanan pulang saya dari sekolah. Saya biasa menggunakan bis, tapi karena sakit perut yang tiba-tiba menghadang saya lebih memilih sarana transportasi lain yang bisa sampai pas depan rumah saya, bajaj atau taksi misalnya.

Karena ingin berhemat, saya lebih memilih menggunakan opsi pertama. Bajaj pertama tidak setuju dengan harga yang saya inginkan dan karena saya tidak memaksa, saya membiarkan bajaj itu berlalu. Bajaj kedua awalnya tidak setuju, dan saya tidak memaksa, tapi akhirnya si tukang bajaj mau mengantar saya dengan tawaran harga yang saya berikan.

Belum sampai lima belas menit saya menumpang kendaraan itu, si tukang bajaj terus bertanya dimana sih rumah saya, kayak saya tadi nggak ngejelasin aja. Cara menyetir si tukang bajaj semakin parah. Si abang dengan sengaja memilih jalan berlubang, membuat duduk menjadi sakit. Akhirnya saya menyuruh abang itu berhenti karena dia ngedumel terus. Katanya, saya nggak bilang alamatnya sampai daerah itu. Padahal rumah saya masih lebih kesanaan lagi dan saya sudah menjelaskan itu. Saya turun, bayar. Si abang masih ngoceh, katanya saya ngeboongin orang tua, blablabla. Ingin rasanya nyari batu buat nimpuk si abang.

Akhirnya, tidak tertarik mencari sarana transportasi lain, saya melanjutkan dengan sarana transportasi paling alami, sehat dan tidak menimbulkan polusi, jalan kaki. Saya pikir dekat, ternyata meski sudah cepat-cepat berjalan, saya baru menginjak lantai rumah sekitar 20 menit kemudian.

Hikmah: olahraga sore, semoga berat badan bisa turun -_______-

April 26, 2009



Personality Disorder

I got the personality disorder test while blogwalking, and the result is that I am high at histrionic and narcissistic. I don't find it quite right, though you could get your own results here

April 23, 2009

100 Truths

001. Real name ? Rifda Luthfi Afina
002. Like it ? Sure!
003. Nickname(s)? Rifda, Iriph, some even call me Rippi
004. Status ? taken
005. Zodiac sign ? The Archeeeeer
006. Male or female ? Female
007. Elementary ? SDN Kenari 07 wahaha
008. Middle School ? SMPN 216 Jkt
009. High School ? SMA N 8 Jkt
010. Hair color ? it supposed to be black, but the sun has burned it, so..
011. Long or short ? not too long nor too short
012. Eye color ? brownish
013. Weight ? don't know for sure
014. Height ? well maybe around 160cm
015. Righty or lefty ? righty
016. Loud or Quiet ? both
017. Sweats or Jeans ? Jeans!
018. Phone or Camera ? phone
019. Health freak ? not really
020. Piercings ? only on my ears
021. Do you have a crush on someone ? ya
022. Eat or Drink ? both
023. Purse or Backpack ? backpack! hahaha
024. Tattoos ? nope
025. Do You Like Yourself ? yess
026. Current worry ? homework, parents

027. Orange or Apple Juice ? apple
028. Night or Day ? night
029. Sun or Moon ? moon
030. TV or Internet ? Internet
031. PlayStation or XBox? PS
032. Kiss or Hug ? hug
033. Iguana or Turtle ? turtle! (I killed one, though)
034. Spider or Bee ? spider
035. Fall or Spring ? fall
036. Limewire or iTunes ? anyone
037. Soccer or Baseball ? Baseball

038. First surgery ? -
039. First piercing ? Ears
040. First best friend ? a girl named Meta, where are you now?
041. First Sport ? basketball
042. First award ? academic
043. First crush ? someone in elementary schoool hahahha
044. First pet ? kitten
045. First big vacation ? to mount Gede maybe haha
046. First big birthday ? forgot

047. Eating ? nope
048. Drinking ? milk
049. I'm about to ? update my twitter status
050. Listening to ? nope
051. Singing ? Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows
052. Typing ? this post
053. Waiting for ? a message

054. Want kids ? sure
055. When ? about 10 years later
056. Want to get married? of courseeee
057. When ? 8 or 9 years later
058. Where Do You Want To Live ? anywhere
059. Careers in mind ? doctor, columnist, translater, piano teacher hahaha
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little ? piano teacher
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? just between them
062. Something You Would Never Try ? eat corn

063. Lips or eyes ? eyes
064. Shorter or taller? taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous ? spontaneously romantic
066. Nice stomach or nice arms ? arms
067. Sensitive or loud? sensitive
068. Hook-up or relationship ? relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant ? troublemaker
070. Hugging or Kissing ? hugging
071. Tan Skinned or Light ? whatever, I don't really care about it actually
072. Dark or Light Hair ? daaark
073. Muscular or Normal ? normal

074. Lost glasses/contacts ? nope
075. Ran away from home ? noooo
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense ? no
077. Killed somebody ? no and never
078. Broken someone's heart ? umm, yes I guess haha
079. Been arrested ? no
080. Cried when someone died ? no
081. Kissed A Stranger ? no
082. Climbed Up A Tree ? maybe. I forgot
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend ? yes haha

084. Yourself ? of course
085. Miracles ? well,life itself is a miracle
086. Love at first sight ? not really
087. Heaven ? Yes
088. Santa Claus ? no
089. Kiss on the first date ? no

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? yaa
091. Do You Like Someone ? yes
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life ? yeah
093. Do you believe in God ? sure

094. Recieved/Sent Text Message ? edwin
095. Received Call ? edwin
096. Call Made ? edwin
097. Comment On MySpace ? don't have
098. Missed Call ? my mom
099. Person You Hung out With ? Puapala 35 dan caang 36
100. Post as 100 truths and tag : yang baca

April 22, 2009

Ice Skatiiiiing :--)

So far the holiday is really, really greaaaaat :--D

I spent quite a day with my boy and my friends (Niken, Binar and Avian) yesterday. We decided to meet at half eleven before we go. We went iceskating but the thing exhaust us the most wasn't the skating itself but our journey to go there, and to go back home. Since none of us drive car, we got to use the public transportation. Another problem, we didn't know which vehicle we should choose. The taxy is out of the question, the mall is so far far away and it would be so hell yeah expensive.
At last we took the transjakarta bus and almost get lost, but finally we GOT THERE AT 2 P.M. It really was tiring.

The skating itself is a real fun for me, since I'd never done that before. But I guess I'm pretty good at it, at least I didn't fall. But I really really envy some kids there who were able to skate in circle, loop and anything. I got to make my child (when I get one later on haha) able to do that. It was really beautiful.

Time passed, and we went home. I got home at eight and was really tired so I had fallen asleep at half ten.

Anyway I wake up at half three, and now is a quarter to four but I can't sleep again -__-

April 20, 2009

Under The Same Sky

Image: The Starry Night - Vincent Van Gogh

Facts that nobody's in your house but you and there's no single tone from your cellphone might make you feel alone, like what I experienced quite a while before. But then all of a sudden I remember you, and your smile. The next second, I feel my facial muscle moving or whatever, creating some curves in my mouth. I realize that wherever we are, we're still sleeping under the same sky :--)

April 19, 2009

Goes Wild

Yesterday, April 18 2009.

I started the day with quite bad feeling, waking up from such dream--or nightmare? Well, whatever. I had to go to Senayan yesterday, buat ngelatfis anak orang haha. And I was really really disappointed by those juniors. The number of people who came is only two third from the total number, and the ones that lasted til the very end of the occasion is only one third from the total number.

Anyhow, it ended right on 3 p.m. I was so not in the mood of going home, and was really hungry so I decided to have lunch somewhere before going home. So did most of my friends. At last, me, Niken, Binar and Taufan went together for lunch and me and Niken decided to go to Binar's home afterward.

In Binar's house we did silly conversations, like:
Binar (B): mungkin ga sih gue ada jerawat di kuping?
Iriph (I): mungkin deh kayaknya. kan bisa di punggung juga
B: aduh ini kuping gue kenapa ya sakit banget sedunia
I: lebay nih binar
B: beneraaaaaan nih coba lo pegang deh
I: eh kok aneh sih rasanya didalem gitu
B: tuh kaaaaaan aduh gimana nih kayak mau mati
Niken (N): apaan sih lo bin lebay banget
B: beneran keeeeeen ini sakit bgt parah coba lo pegang
N: (megang) waduh gawat bin
B: aaa tuh kan beneran kenapa nih kuping gue
I: jangan2 tumor bin
B: (melototin gue gitu deh)
N: iya bin kayaknya udah stadion 4 deh
N: aduh keceplosan
B: aa sumpah lo jahat semua sama gue parah
N: itu gara-gara lo salah masukin kali bin pas pake anting, jadi luka gitu
B: yaoloh masa sih gue gabisa pake anting ken
I: itu daging salah tumbuh kali bin
N: atau gigi?

........sometimes our brains know when we need to laugh. hahaha

April 17, 2009

Roller Coaster

It's my mood condition right now. Going up and down and twisting and circling, like a roller coaster. Sorry for all, I know I hurt many people today. Sorry for the boring post anyway.

April 16, 2009

I am 66% mentally ill

[ ] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you.'
[ ] You have run into a glass/screen door.
[x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks.
[x] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You have been called a blonde.

subtotal: 3

[ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.
[x] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody.
[x] You just sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet.
[ ] You have choked on your own spit.

subtotal: 7

[ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.
[ ] You type with three fingers or less.
[ ] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.

subtotal: 9

[x] You have fallen asleep in class.
[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about.
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you
[ ] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'

subtotal: 12

[ ] You use your fingers to do simple math.
[x] You have eaten a bug accidentally
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important.
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time.

subtotal: 16

[x] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[x] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[ ] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[x] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[x] The word "um" is used frequently.
[ ] You don't know what "um" means.
[x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.
[ ] You plan to use a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.

Subtotal: 22

Total: 22

NOW, take your total, and multiply it by 3
and re-post as: I am --% Mentally ill.

April 14, 2009

Gone Forever

Last Sunday, my grandfather--my grandmother's big brother--passed away. I'm lucky enough to have met him before he died, I paid him a visit (he's already placed in ICU) that morning.
When I got there, I sensed a spooky feeling, didn't know whether it is related or not. He passed away around 7 p.m, less than 12-hours after I met him.
My mom got this call from my grandma and she said nothing more than "Innalillahi," so I figured out what happened easily.
This fact got me thinking, that death is near, and is inevitable. And there's no chance to try to correct your mistakes when death has approached you. I don't think I'm ready to face the death. you think so?

April 12, 2009

11 April 2009 part II

Another interesting thing for this date is that I'm going rafting!
Well it's my second time, but it still rocks me, almost to death.
I fell off the boat and rescued by the rescue team twice. The sun burned me to dark complexion right away but it's still fuuuuuuuuun!

11 April 2009 part I

Well since it was dated 11, it's me and my boyfriend's fourth month.
I just want you to know that I loooove you :-----)

April 10, 2009

After Today

No one is in my house me right now, so I'm just sitting in front of my laptop to feel a bit busy. I'm busy at the moment actually, texting and phoning my friends who haven't given me the money which should have been collected by tomorrow for our very own occasion, rafting.

I ever tasted this rafting thingy quite a year ago but I'm still looking forward to doing it other time(s), since it is really a lot of fun. I just can't wait for tomorrow!

Talking about tomorrow, it's our fourth month, right? I'm so sorry I can't go with you tomorrow.. Anyway, thanks for today Dear, I love you :---)


(When you read this, that means I'm successfully typing this post from my cellphone)

I'm having a four-day-holiday! It's going to be fun, right, but I have these piling homeworks need to be done. But well, who cares anyway? :-p

Today is the second day of the holiday, and I'm planning to go somewhere with my someone but I haven't got any news from him recently so... yeah, we'll just see.

Yesterday I met my friends from Puapala. Actually we need to talk with a specific person I can't mention here about the riddiculous duty this person gave us. Social charity, with punishment(s). Weird, huh? But we didn't talk to her about it anyway, ended up eating together with her at Pizza Hut and talking none.
The 'meeting' ended sooner than I expected so me, Binar, Niken, Malik and Akbar went to Avian's house, to play. We swam and played the coin-searching game and I'm completely lost. The sky had turned dark when we finally decided to go home. I got scolded, but I didn't take it seriously. haha

Well that's all for now. I'm so tired typing all these letters. Happy holiday all!

April 06, 2009


Kelas saya memenangkan kategori best interaksi(apa atraksi? gatau juga deh) dan meraih posisi ketiga pada kegiatan Bazaar Budaya Murid 8.

Congratulation XI IPA F, walaupun kondisi stand agak riskan dan penuh improvisasi disana dan disini, usaha kita ngga sia-sia haha lumayanlah juara 3 juga. WE DID IT!!!!!