
April 22, 2009

Ice Skatiiiiing :--)

So far the holiday is really, really greaaaaat :--D

I spent quite a day with my boy and my friends (Niken, Binar and Avian) yesterday. We decided to meet at half eleven before we go. We went iceskating but the thing exhaust us the most wasn't the skating itself but our journey to go there, and to go back home. Since none of us drive car, we got to use the public transportation. Another problem, we didn't know which vehicle we should choose. The taxy is out of the question, the mall is so far far away and it would be so hell yeah expensive.
At last we took the transjakarta bus and almost get lost, but finally we GOT THERE AT 2 P.M. It really was tiring.

The skating itself is a real fun for me, since I'd never done that before. But I guess I'm pretty good at it, at least I didn't fall. But I really really envy some kids there who were able to skate in circle, loop and anything. I got to make my child (when I get one later on haha) able to do that. It was really beautiful.

Time passed, and we went home. I got home at eight and was really tired so I had fallen asleep at half ten.

Anyway I wake up at half three, and now is a quarter to four but I can't sleep again -__-

2 chatters:

Nunu Fithria said...

gue ngajak mbe skating selalu di tolak rip hahah gue juga mau spinning on ice waaaa

Rifda said...

kenapaaaa tuh mbe hahaha iyaaa anak kecilnya keren2 bgt gue iriiiii