
August 19, 2011

I've posted this somewhere else actually, but still want to post it here.

Benar atau salah itu relatif. Tergantung dari sudut pandang mana. Tergantung punya pengetahuan seluas apa, se-update apa. Tergantung kemampuan pikiran untuk menyimpulkan. Tergantung kecenderungan individual. Tergantung kepribadian masing-masing. Tergantung posisi yang dijabat. Dan banyak 'tergantung' lainnya.

Kadang benar atau salah juga tidak penting, mengutarakan pendapat toh tidak dilarang. Ada kalanya yang salah akan tetap bertahan pada poin yang dipegangnya. Bukan keras kepala, tapi mempertahankan diri. Bukan tidak mungkin seseorang kesulitan berdiri.

Yang tampak kuat bukannya tak pernah rapuh. Yang tidak punya basis pertahanan butuh pertolongan.

Benar atau salah bukan poin perbandingan. Look deeper. I'd be lying if I say it doesn't hurt.

January 01, 2011


Almost forget to post about my 18th birthday... and it's almost a month ago lol. To make things short, I'll just say it was really sweet. I got four birthday cakes, and it's really more than enough. The first one was from my brother, a tiiiiiny slice of cake (but still, it's a cake) given to me at midnight. I was sleeping and he barged in, it was embarassing cause he also brought his friends along. It was really surprising to be surprised by someone like him but anyway, I got to thank him. The second one is from my family, a blueberry cheesecake, my favorite. I got another cake the next day, this time from my friends at FMUI, a blackforrest. Remembering that I have only known them for about four months, I think it was really kind of them, giving me surprise.

And the last one, though not given the last but I prefer to tell you this the last as it worth a special place, was an oreo cheesecake from my boyfriend. I was really mad at him some moment before his sudden appearance in my house, because he did not seem to pay a deal of attention to my birthday, and in our case, our second anniversary. But suddenly he appeared, along with some of my beloved friends, surprising me to death. I was convinced that he was in Bandung at the moment so it was really really out of my prediction. Got to thank Niken, Nasya, Nindya and Santi too :)

Unfortunately that day had ended, just like the year 2010 and this post. Happy New Year, and... see you later on!