
February 28, 2009

short story

Yesterday a friend of mine told me a short story which she has just experienced in a bookstore. The story is..

"I was accompanying my little sister who was searching for a book of exercises for the upcoming national exam (for junior high school). While she was searching, there was a girl, quite the same age with my little sister, wearing big sandals that not suitable with her and quite dirty outfit, holding a baby which looks like her sister.

It was so contrast, while my little sister was being confused of choosing the book, that girl was, obviously, writing the exercises. My mother then asked the girl, 'Which book you want? Let me buy it for you.' But the girl kept refusing, even though my mother kept repeating the question in different ways."


I don't know whether it's about her pride that she kept refusing the offer. This world is big, isn't it? There are still poor people like that little girl, writing exercises from a book because she can't buy it, while there are still people like me who has a book but not doing much with it.

February 25, 2009

pradiklat lalalala

semua berawal dari kaderisasi. setelah kurang lebih sebulan memarah2i para bacaang dan mendapat cap nyebelin dari adek kelas (sebodo amat lah ya haha) datanglah gue menghadiri sebuah perhelatan besar buat angkatan 2011 created by 2010 yang untuk subsi lain merupakan sebuah pelantikan, tapi buat subsi gue hanya merupakan pradiklat. acara ini dilangsungkan pada tanggal 21-22 februari 2009, bertempat di gunung bunder. secara singkat, itu sabtu-minggu yang cukup indah. haha

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009.
tim advance sudah berangkat. gue yang bukan tim advance masih mempersiapkan perlengkapan dan juga materi yang akan diberikan kepada para bacaang pua 36 sampai malem bgt. memasang alarm jam setengah lima, karena berdasarkan jartel gue harus udah ada di kosmik(kosan malik) jam setengah 6. wow.

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009.
masih di tempat tidur, hp berbunyi. ada sms dari Tasya, nanya pake baju apa. setelah membalas, gue baru menyadari bahwa jam di hp telah menunjukkan pukul 05.15. what the heeeeelll alarmnya ga bunyi. eh apa gue yang kebo, gatau juga deh hehe. gue langsung bangkit dan narik anduk menuju kamar mandi. lupa kalo ini akan menjadi mandi terakhir gue sebelum berangkat ke gunung bunder, gue mandi sekenanya berhubung udah telat. dilengkapi perbekalan dasar, akhirnya gue baru take off ke kosmik jam 05.45, aww betapa terlambatnya gue.

sampai di kosan, ternyata baru ada beberapa orang. yasudahlah akhirnya kami langsung menemui bacaang yang sudah menanti di depan wall. setelah remeh temeh yang tidak perlu disebutkan disini, akhirnya pua 35, simpatisan 35 dan bacaang 36 take off ke gunung bunder, dengan moda transportasi khas abri, tronton. singkat cerita, perjalanan sangat menyiksa. sampe disana lemas dan mual tapi harus tetap bertahan haha.

gue, achi, niken, edwin, pretet, panca dan fadli langsung otw kamp pua yang terletak di paling atas, agak terisolir gitu tempatnya sementara teman2 yg lain masih mengurusi bacaang di bawah. hawa sejuk langsung terasa, dan perjalanan ke kamp ternyata cukup melelahkan.
setelah blabla dan blabla, mulailah gue bertiga dengan kindy dan iman memberi materi tentang manajemen perjalanan. materi tersebut harus diulang 4 kali karena bacaang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. berhubung gue pj materi, gue agak sedikit lebih menguasai materi. dan cowok2 itu yang nampaknya malas berbicara panjang lebar memberi gue kesempatan untuk berbicara. hahhhh. pemberian materi semakin tidak didukung oleh cuaca, hujan turun dengan derasnya. akhirnya esofagus gue mulai protes saat memberi materi yang sama untuk ke4 kalinya. sweater yang menghangatkan tubuh gue tadi udah jadi basah banget. gue bertekad pas balik ke tenda mau langsung ganti jaket. tapi ternyata pas nyampe di tenda astra kena hipotermia. walhasil gue pinjemin kaos dan jaket gue ke astra, karena baju dia basah semua dan pria2 lain masih diluar.

berikutnya, seiring berjalannya waktu, bacaang mulai berjatuhan. salah satu bacaang hipotermia cukup akut sehingga ketika gue sudah mau make jaket gue (astra udah sembuh), gue lebih berpikiran untuk meminjamkan jaket kepada bacaang tersebut. saat itu gue masih merasa sangat sehat. setelah bolak balik nganter bacaang tersebut, gue masuk tenda. dingin terasa meliputi gue, kayak make selimut dingin gitu deh. gue sempet makan. trus tiba2 penyakit lama menyerang. jadi gitu deh. haha. maaf ya vina sweaternya gue tarik tarik. maaf juga yaa yang tangannya kecakar. ampuuuuun.

well, things went a bit romantic here. I really really love my maaaaaan :----D

Minggu, 22 Februari 2009.
keadaan tidak memungkinkan gue untuk keluar tenda. jadi ya sudahlah gue cuma diam saja-___-
bacaang pun berubah menjadi caang. selamat deh yaa
pulang dengan tronton lagi. perjalanan pulang entah kenapa sedikit lebih baik daripada perjalanan pergi, tapi sekarang ditambah wangi2 semilir dari orang2 yang nggak mandi. ya gue juga termasuk sih haha.
akhirnya, sampai di 8. terus, sampai di rumah. terus ditinggal sama orang rumah. trus mandi. trus tidur deeeeeh haha

pesan moral: lain kali kalo pergi ke acara ginian bawa jaket yang banyak. kalo bisa waterproof. jangan lupa bawa oxycan juga haha.

February 17, 2009

Flying Without Wings

I simply fall for this very song, the lyric is sooooooo.... damn good. The green ones are the best parts, my own opinion.

"Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be
Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry
You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
Cos who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete

Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cos you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings"

February 10, 2009

Peter Pan and The Piccaninnies

Peter Pan! I just twigged that I have not updated this since people stopped clapping and Tinkerbell died... You would not believe the fairy dust I have to clean up. My bad..

I am going ahead with an awfully big adventure, soaking in the tub, just generally being the life of the party to the locals, my day drifts aimlessly from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to I see my darling's 10000 text messages. I am not complaining though. but who cares.

I solemnly swear that when the weather turns bad, I will blog more often. Go with God, good friends. The Piccaninnies say I have to!

I got this link from Nunu and found it quite funny, so.... give it a try, folks.

February 09, 2009

First Letter

I love the earth where I live this life
I love the dawn who smiles to me eveytime I woke up
I love the wind that breezes through my hair
I love the ice that prevents me from heating up
I love the night who guides me to a dream,

.......then there I'm sitting and hoping that it's not just wishful thinking

More or Less

Words are here, and there, and everywhere but sometimes I feel like I'm running out of them.
There are times I can't speak,
Times when I can't find the perfect word to explain what I mean clearly.
Times when I know what to say but I just simply can not.

Words describe everything, but sometimes they just can't say anything.
Words are simple, but also complicated.
Sometimes you can't say directly about things, right? Eventhough it's shorter and easier.
I remember an old song which I know from my former english teacher back then in junior high school,

Words, don't come easy on me
This is my only way to make you see I love you
Words don't come easy

I forgot who sang it, but I just can't agree more, cause I do feel that straight-sayings can't describe something perfectly. Sometimes it's more than what I mean, other times, it's less.
Sometimes silence could describe better.