I googled it then, to knew more about this red liquid called blood. And I found these facts:
- Two million red blood cells die every second. And they were about to be reproduced. See, two million isn't few.
- Seven percent of humans body weight is made up of blood. The blood weighs more than even the brain, our central control of activities! Our brain only made up two percent of our body weight anyway.
- Each day more than 300 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys. No wonder we need more than 8 cups of water a day. Okay people, if you love your kidneys and you don't want your blood to be dialised by machine, drink mineral water in an adequate amount.
- By donating one pint of blood, four lives can be saved. Okay I don't know how could a pint of blood save four people in a row, but this was what the scientists had said, so, in much respect, I believe this fact. And uh anyway donating blood is healthy for the donor himself. So why hesitate? Donate your blood pals.
- Someone needs blood every two seconds. Okay, read this sentence, it will take about 5 seconds. While you're reading, two people or more need blood.
- A woman has approximately 4.5 liters of blood, while men have 5.6 liters. Maybe this is one of the reasons why us women always get their moods upside down while having our period. We got less amount of blood than men, but why us spill them like downpour, not men?
- Your blood takes a really long trip through your body. If you could streched out all of a human's blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That's enough to go around the world twice. And I've never been around the world for even once!
- A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in his body. Is that the reason newborn babies looked so pale and frail?
- Donating blood only takes an hour of your time then you can prolong other people's lifespan.
- There is no substitute for human blood. So don't ever spill your blood unless necessary. Our blood is really precious.
I can't imagine how could I live if I have no blood, can you?
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