
February 10, 2009

Peter Pan and The Piccaninnies

Peter Pan! I just twigged that I have not updated this since people stopped clapping and Tinkerbell died... You would not believe the fairy dust I have to clean up. My bad..

I am going ahead with an awfully big adventure, soaking in the tub, just generally being the life of the party to the locals, my day drifts aimlessly from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to I see my darling's 10000 text messages. I am not complaining though. but who cares.

I solemnly swear that when the weather turns bad, I will blog more often. Go with God, good friends. The Piccaninnies say I have to!

I got this link from Nunu and found it quite funny, so.... give it a try, folks.

5 chatters:

Nunu Fithria said...

hahaha dusssttt

Rifda said...

haha kocak bgt dh nu, kok lo bs nemu sih?

Nunu Fithria said...
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Nunu Fithria said...

let google do the magic rip haha

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

hey iriph... happy valentine's day girl! hehe, telat yah.. :p