
January 30, 2009


My home has been so quiet lately. It's not because everyone's going, but because the children--my younger siblings-- are sick. The two youngest are still sick at the time I type this post. Since they still sleep together, the disease spread among them, makes it harder to cure. Cepet sembuh yaaa deeeek (ga tahan mau mainin anak2 kecil haha)

When I came home this afternoon, I was surprised that there were four guests in my house. They are two teachers from my little bro's school, and also two friends of his. They came to visit my little brother, Faiz, who hasn't go to the school for days. They read the get-well-soon notes from Faiz's classmates together. Sweet, right? I can't help myself hearing the notes after all, and since the writers are still the first-grader, it is much fun hearing that. hahaha
I remember one of them goes like this:
Faiz cepet sembuh yaa, tapi kalo udah sembuh jangan nakal nanti sakit lagi loh.
and I feel like I can't stop myself from laughing so I go to my room and laugh there. hahahahaa

Kids are...............totally sweet. And funny. And so play-able. :--D

8 chatters:

Nunu Fithria said...

i hate kids. they're scary.

Rifda said...

scary hoooow?

Prathito said...


Rifda said...
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Rifda said...

oh iya gue baru sadar haha udh gue edit to

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

waa.. i do love kids too dear! hahaha. yes they are so playable!
aku link blog kamu ya sayang. tulisannya bagus! :D

Anonymous said...

wah nunu.. hahha. but kids are obviously cute !!

Rifda said...

putri: thankyou hehe okeee

fahdiana: iya asal nggak lagi bandel donk. haha