
January 17, 2009

Quetions & Answers

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 10 People.

The age of my next birthday

yak yang muncul adalah poster ini sodara sodara hahahaha

A place I'd like to travel to

The Leaning Tower, Pisa, Italy. penasaran aja kenapa bisa miring gitu

Favourite Place
kamar tidur yang temboknya dicat ijoooo

Favourite Food

Blueberry cheesecaaaaaaaaaake :-D

Favourite Things



Favourite Colour

I loove greeen

A city where I was born


A city which I have ever lived in


A nickname I have

Rhode Island Food Dealers Association (RIFDA, iriph ga ada haha)

College major
dont know yet

Name of my love


A bad habit

mukul-mukul bantal kalo stress

A hobby
Tag: siapa aja yang liat post ini

4 chatters:

Nunu Fithria said...

oh at least name of your love-nya ngga ngaco kaya gue haha

Rifda said...

iyaa gampang ditemukan sepertinya

Anonymous said...

hahahha cieeee name of your love nya oke bgt tuh

Rifda said...

hahaha iya sepertinya