
March 05, 2009

colongan nge post di komputer sekolah

I'm in a really really bad mood today, everything's not right just from the beginning.
today is my little sister's birthday but bad me, I haven't congratulate her for it, I even haven't see her this morning because of the very sucks new regulation of the school hour, which starts at 6.30. since there are no dispensation, I have to go to school earlier, my little sister hasn't woke up yet. I missed the cake and everything. suckssssss

the headmaster of the school is really sucks, doesn't know anything about the school and isn't really into the school but he acts like he controls everything. he might don't know who's the smartest student, I'm quite sure about that. if you don't know anything, why should you angry? a schoolmate records a video of him saying bad words, I really really want to see that video.

over all,
I'm so bad today. and maybe yesterday too.

3 chatters:

Nunu Fithria said...

agree with the 2nd paragraph. juangan sampe masa kejayaan 8 abis di periode yang sekarang deh amin. btw sama rip, gue sepanjang minggu ngeluh bete terus hehehehe

Rifda said...

iyaaaaa. gue sejak hari rabu nu haha

Istina said...

gue juga deh, apalagi gara2 kepala sekolah kita yang blablabla itu :'(