
May 17, 2009


I really hate to say this, but dear big brother, I really hate you.

I know that blood is thicker than water, but whatever, you've dried all my patience. I hate it when you leave home, but I dislike it either when you stay. Why, because all you do is make a mess, not only in the house's rooms or wherever, but also in my very mind, and soul. You've broken all my imagination of a helping and protecting brother. Worst, I can't even see you as my brother. Anymore.

Oh God please forgive me.

4 chatters:

Prathito said...

Why my dear love? What in the world could thin blood to puddle of abhorrence?

Rifda said...

it's because, because, because, and because. too many reasons, I'm fed up prathi

Nunu Fithria said...

rifda, i hope things get better between you two. it's so sad to hear that you 'lost' a brother, i mean, a real brother

Rifda said...

thank you nurulll, I'm in a cold war haha